Darling There Are Wolves in the Woods (and I can’t get enough of them): A Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A gripping, dark fairy-tale set in the frightening fey woods where danger lurks around every corner with an enticing smile. L.V. Russel’ sharp and alluring description captures the wickedness of faeries and balances it on a knife-edge with their charm.

Teya Jenkin’s inner turmoil puts her in very real danger as she desperately seeks resolution to her childhood trauma, finding instead a perilous romance in the form of a fey who is determined to save her from herself and scare her half to death in the process. Laphaniel’s wickedness is deliciously compelling, and the world itself is as dark as it is enchanting.

I could not put this book down, and now have one eye on the letterbox for the next instalment.

Fae enthusiasts can find it here

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